Jun 5Liked by Amy Odell

It's going to be interesting how this affects brands run by people of color and other marginalized groups. Bereft decent "offline" resources (physical stores, warehouses, etc.), a lot of POC-run brands rely heavily on online advertising and social media presence to stay afloat. If (once?) the Great Exhaustion pans out, it could wind up conferring an advantage to incumbents able to weather demand fluctuations; the vast majority of these are mid-to-large sized players run by traditional, majority-white/male capital. I'd think an increased level of partnership between large brands/platforms and smaller ones run by underrepresented people may be a good way to hedge against that risk.

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Thank you for pointing this out. It definitely sounds like a lot of money is going to be required to break through an even noisier digital environment AND to reach people trying to escape it.

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As a retired person with limited income, your choices, experiences will change as you go through life. If you are on a limited income you have to pick the best possible given your circumstances. (think classic items, go to vintage shop, second hand shops) A lot of people no longer go to malls, the bags advertise what you have bought making you a target. You know what I want? Decent clothes that fit right and don’t cost me an arm and a leg. For instance I love the L.L. Bean look, but right now their prices are such that I can not afford them. When they had a store close to where I lived I could go there try on items and see if they worked. Now it is a lot of time shipping things back and forth. So where did I go? To Lands Ends for a fleece and flannel jacket more than half priced off the L.L.Bean version. Nightgowns, are running $60 to $90 and i wait for a sale. T-shirts, one from bean $35 each or a pack of 4 Hanes white t-shirt for $24. Rough wear items, skorts, t-shirts, pants come from Duluth and shoes I have been wearing are for the most part at a minimum 1 year old. I am burned out by Macys, target, Nordstroms, and the list goes on. One thing shoe wise, I love loafers. I bought a pair years ago and still have them! They are far more classic than the current crop but I love them. I have tried to find a look or style but in Texas heat it is current 97 degree heat index 105.( It might be this way until October! Rain is touch and go, here but not there.) What a New Yorker, east-coast upper income can afford I can not, and it wouldn’t be appropriate here.

As far as AI, I have big problems with what is coming. I think the best thing anyone could do now is have a backyard party invite the neighbors over, get to know them and their children and grandparents. Here in the US we have an election coming up and it has split apart families and to a certain extent the country. We are overloaded with election BS, higher food prices, for the moment gas prices are lower, and just general inflation. Going forward we are going to see a lot of tumultuous events.we are going to need to be resourceful, helpful and realistic. More and more things are not as they seem. Have designated time off the computers, phones, it is a nice world out there if you only power down.

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I love how the Dior show isn't even pretending to be aspirational. It looks expensive, I could never afford, but I am ok with just being entertained!

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I got tired just reading this post! I am seeing the no-shopping trend start to ramp up. And, seriously, where do we have to go anyway? So many are working from home, streaming movies, ordering meal delivery services... you really don't ever have to leave home! (yikes)

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SNL parody of a fashion show!!! 🤣 I died.

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We are entering as civilization to a less materialistic era where it’s more important to feed the soul that the closet so lets clean up our wardrobe of unnecessary items and enjoy the basics, feed well and healthy and travel as much as you can! ☀️⚡️⚡️⚡️

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If that garden in Scotland where they held the Dior Cruise show is for sale, can I buy that? The clothes, not so much. Maybe that's why there are so many drone shots of the garden but everytime the camera lands on a piece of clothing, it pivots away.

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Thank you. Tell me more.

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