Jul 24, 2023Liked by Amy Odell

“Two Buck Fuck” *chefs kiss*

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No such thing as too much praise for "two buck fuck" -- and a round of applause for "Cousin Greg's date" as well!

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Why are we being gaslit about Carrie not having a house in the Hamptons?!!! Wasn’t the entire point of the first episode of season one that Big and Carrie were supposed to be going to their house in the Hamptons but Carrie went to Lilly’s concert instead while Big had a heart attack on his Peloton? Did she sell the house after Big’s death? Was it given to Natasha in the will? Why not take the opportunity to tell us, the audience, what happened via a line by Carrie in the scene with Seema while they are looking at houses: “Oh that’s right by the house Big and I used to have. I sold it after his death.” The writers clearly hate us.

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"two buck fuck" is GLORIOUS, brava!!! so many missed actual joke opportunities for these writers.

i know this show is supposed to be about fashun but that snowcoat was too absurd even for carrie imo. and THANK YOU for pointing out how ridiculous charlotte's wool coat would be in a blizzard. sometimes we need form over fashion!

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My thing is NONE of these women would be walking anywhere in that weather. They'd hire a car!

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i was BAFFLED when LTW turned down herbert's offer to drop her off. like, WHAT!

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