Jun 13Liked by Laura Hooper Beck, Amy Odell

After watching it, I was confused by all the praise that Hit Man had received. It was a fun, silly movie, but it was in no way ground breaking and I certainly didn't think it was laugh-out-loud funny. It felt like a movie I had seen before, and now after reading this article, I realize it was completely because of how the female lead was portrayed. The moment where she tells him that she is completely fine with him dictating exactly how the relationship should go, including coming and going whenever he pleases, never calling or taking her anywhere....yeah, sure, okay. This was the funniest part of the movie to me, but not in the way they intended.

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Thank you for pointing this out!!! This was indeed ridiculous — especially after she left a man who had her on a diet?

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Jun 13Liked by Laura Hooper Beck, Amy Odell

I LOVED this...did not love Hit Man so much, but I do really question all the fanfare men get about their "ruggedness" and enthusiasm/eagerness for making more $$....these are precisely the things women get eviscerated for...

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I liked it fine, but did not love it! Meanwhile And Just Like That continues… is that the best entertainment Hollywood can offer women? Obviously I’m gonna watch it but I’m already frustrated by it

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Jun 13Liked by Laura Hooper Beck

I would love to be applauded for my "ruggedness"...just saying...

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Okay @christine barberich .. you’ll appreciate my moniker at a start up (making medicines) I’ve joined as a consultant. Within 3 days I’ve become known as the Force Multiplier 🤣🤣🤣

Like, on slide decks “TFM” so I’m feeling pretty rugged 🤣🤣

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Jun 14Liked by Laura Hooper Beck

"Men are back" Fuck. My. Life.

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Jun 14Liked by Laura Hooper Beck

I am here for the sequel, which is all about her and the fact she's a Hit Woman playing an indescribably long game in order to kill him...

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Jun 14Liked by Laura Hooper Beck

Co-sign on this review, which I found funnier and more thought-provoking than the movie, thank you! I thought the female lead did come across as a sociopath, with twinges of menace, but probably missed some nuance as I was distracted by her Dwell editorial-worthy interiors. How did she furnish the place so quickly?! I’m a Linklater fan and maybe need to give this another watch since it’s so all over the place but did have some fun beats.

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Some weeks ago, Fug Girls directed me to this 2001 "Texas Monthly" story - titled "Hit Man." The story is so much better than the movie and the movie could've been so good! [I like what commenter down below says that maybe the woman is a hit person playing the long game! - THAT would make a great sequel...] https://www.texasmonthly.com/true-crime/hit-man-2/

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Pretty sure Hitman doesn’t pass the Bechdel Test.

This review is spot on, said the same exact thing to my husband. No depth to her character!

I also thought the sex scenes were ridiculously gratuitous (added nothing and explained nothing), and that it took too long, overall, for th real “plot” to kick in and take shape.

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