Again, I'm not watching the show, just reading recaps and following Twitter. Someone thankfully posted the terrible overreacting in the car crying scene, with Carrie barely concerned enough to say "oh honey, breaks heal".
I couldn't help but wonder, what did SJP think of that line? Surely, as a mom of three herself, she must have known how tone deaf it would come across. UNLESS Aiden will use this as an excuse to break up with Carrie for good: "my son was in a massive accident and all you could say is "breaks heal".
And the insistence of the writers making Carrie and Che friends for no reason is weird, but is probably because they needed to give Sara Ramirez something to do. Che and Miranda broke up, there was no reason for Che to attend Widow Con, no reason for Carrie to rent Che's apartment, no reason for Che to be at the Last Supper since they have NO CONNECTION to the old apartment.
Obviously they are setting up the Aidan-Carrie breakup over the kid’s broken bones. Touché that it would make more sense for him to break up with her over her insensitivity to his guilt and pain when the kid got hurt than his overwrought guilt at being (gasp) out of town when his kid did something stupid and got hurt. Screenwriters could not think of another way to get out of the Perfect Relationship.
I feel like Seema’s style is the antidote to Carrie’s confetti hodgepodge (I do love the pageantry, though). And as a middle aged woman I veer towards animal prints, too, because they are kind of a “fuck you!” to the societal invisibility that I have felt moving into menopause. So I say, MORE FIERCE LEOPARD PRINTS for Seema!
Oh Karen, if animal prints are the best you can do to observe our invisibility as old broads, you need to get out more! Where are the outrageous colors and the Faux leopard bunny slippers? When nobody is looking at you, woman, SPREAD YOURSELF!
Honestly, the boots ruined the whole episode for much ruching, please No. Also, and I’ve had some time to think about this, I am having a very hard time imagining her going through with this sale...her apartment is literally a character in the show....
Hahahaha. I think sometimes the costume team should just let her be CASUAL. Not some weird glam version of casual, but really, just like, a fleece or leggings or sneakers.
It has always bugged me that these women are almost never depicted exercising -- Carrie least of all -- yet they clearly are maintaining their physiques and not doing it while wearing high heels.
THIS. (And the original show actually would show them exercising - there were belly dancing classes and yoga classes, and Charlotte's post-divorce tap-dancing class!)
I once saw one of those Vogue-follows-Alexa-Chung-around YouTube videos where Alexa was going through the closet of a fashionista living in Paris who said something like, Exercise clothes are not done in Paris, no one talks about exercising - everyone does it and knows it is necessary - but it is like taboo or something.
is NO ONE going to talk about carrie chugging a cocktail?! it just happened and anthony just kept talking. am i the only one who thinks it was totally bizarre?
I promise I am not trolling! But I have one more point about Carrie being a jerk:
So much has been written about that very thing, but what I always thought in response to that (again, of course, within the context of the original show), is that her jerkiness was very real and, sometimes, even relatable in a kind of "oh my god, I hope I am not like that" way. Everyone can be a selfish jerk with their besties, and Carrie did take it to the extreme on several occasions, but it could feel a bit like the Everywoman's Jerk. It was almost cautionary-tale-esque. The stretch in those situations, for me, was that her friends always seemed to continuously support her despite it, which rang hollow, and also made Charlotte's blow-up about the engagement ring situation feel a bit cathartic. (Still hate her for giving it to Carrie though!)
That said, AJLT Carrie being a jerk with Aidan felt even more jerky after he made that truly Stockholm-Syndrome-like apology about their previous break-up. That break-up was one of the most real on the whole show! They were both jerks, in such nuanced and human ways! It had been so well done and AJLT just basically crapped on the whole thing with these ret-conning of Aidan's feelings. Felt totally unearned. But Carrie should have said, "Well I mean I did cheat on you"... HELLO.
Ugh this show is so frustrating wahhh. Every week I am like WHAT IS THIS COMPLETELY WASTED POTENTIAL??
Steve's Brooklyn dig - was that supposed to be ironic? - I remember the episode in SATC when they made the decision to start looking at "that side of the paper" for real estate and Steve totally owned Brooklyn, as it is the character's place of birth. I can see how someone from Brooklyn would definitely have a lot to say about the massive gentrification of that burough, but just a little off-handed comment about it being bougie... did not feel lived-in.
Re: Che and Carrie's friendship... I have found that to be a stretch, too, and definitely feels plot-driven rather than character-driven (like 99 percent of this show). Which is a shame because the original series did "random Carrie friendships" really well. For a show where a typical episode lasted 30 minutes, Carrie had tertiary friends/characters slide in and out of the show's periphery really smoothly.
I am starting to wonder if the modern, cinematic, "prestige TV" era treatment AJLT has now is not actually to its detriment; the episodes are longer but the progress is clunkier and more disjointed than anything it ever accomplished in SATCs half-hour epi's.
Ditto: Miranda's coat was an absolute scene chewer.
also tbh i love seema's leopard (cheetah?) print outfits--they suit her, even if they are a tad ridiculous. my favorite seema outfit by far has been that one-shouldered black number she wore to the dinner with aidan after she requested space from carrie.
love your fashion analysis as usual! THE COAT on Miranda was absolutely fabulous; Cynthia Nixon's styling has been top-notch these past few episodes (that purple valentine's day dress!!!).
and THANK YOU for going off on Carrie for never having been to Coney Island. MPK et al are really steadfast in their refusal to acknowledge other boroughs/neighborhoods, beyond the nebulous "brooklyn" where Miranda lives. it's absolutely wild.
lastly, couldn't agree w/ you more on the abortion point--I was hoping LTW would terminate the pregnancy. yet another way this show is disappointing in its current iteration.
Then I would DEFINITELY suggest and OLD NAVY and a divine website at you won't meet yourself coming and going the clothes are beautifully made ethically produced and insanely durable. I'm still wearing a jacket I bought from them in 1990.
Again, I'm not watching the show, just reading recaps and following Twitter. Someone thankfully posted the terrible overreacting in the car crying scene, with Carrie barely concerned enough to say "oh honey, breaks heal".
I couldn't help but wonder, what did SJP think of that line? Surely, as a mom of three herself, she must have known how tone deaf it would come across. UNLESS Aiden will use this as an excuse to break up with Carrie for good: "my son was in a massive accident and all you could say is "breaks heal".
And the insistence of the writers making Carrie and Che friends for no reason is weird, but is probably because they needed to give Sara Ramirez something to do. Che and Miranda broke up, there was no reason for Che to attend Widow Con, no reason for Carrie to rent Che's apartment, no reason for Che to be at the Last Supper since they have NO CONNECTION to the old apartment.
Obviously they are setting up the Aidan-Carrie breakup over the kid’s broken bones. Touché that it would make more sense for him to break up with her over her insensitivity to his guilt and pain when the kid got hurt than his overwrought guilt at being (gasp) out of town when his kid did something stupid and got hurt. Screenwriters could not think of another way to get out of the Perfect Relationship.
Miranda’s wardrobe has been very good this season. That coat was the pinnacle.
I feel like Seema’s style is the antidote to Carrie’s confetti hodgepodge (I do love the pageantry, though). And as a middle aged woman I veer towards animal prints, too, because they are kind of a “fuck you!” to the societal invisibility that I have felt moving into menopause. So I say, MORE FIERCE LEOPARD PRINTS for Seema!
Completely fair, I felt it was lazy for the costume team to do this look twice on the show, when there are so many inventive ways to mix it in
Oh Karen, if animal prints are the best you can do to observe our invisibility as old broads, you need to get out more! Where are the outrageous colors and the Faux leopard bunny slippers? When nobody is looking at you, woman, SPREAD YOURSELF!
I welcome recommendations! 👍🏽
Vivienne Westwood on Thredup, doll! And then hit the Pucci and who knows, they might even have a little Khaite!
Looking for more plus size options.
Honestly, the boots ruined the whole episode for much ruching, please No. Also, and I’ve had some time to think about this, I am having a very hard time imagining her going through with this sale...her apartment is literally a character in the show....
Hahahaha. I think sometimes the costume team should just let her be CASUAL. Not some weird glam version of casual, but really, just like, a fleece or leggings or sneakers.
It has always bugged me that these women are almost never depicted exercising -- Carrie least of all -- yet they clearly are maintaining their physiques and not doing it while wearing high heels.
THIS. (And the original show actually would show them exercising - there were belly dancing classes and yoga classes, and Charlotte's post-divorce tap-dancing class!)
I once saw one of those Vogue-follows-Alexa-Chung-around YouTube videos where Alexa was going through the closet of a fashionista living in Paris who said something like, Exercise clothes are not done in Paris, no one talks about exercising - everyone does it and knows it is necessary - but it is like taboo or something.
is NO ONE going to talk about carrie chugging a cocktail?! it just happened and anthony just kept talking. am i the only one who thinks it was totally bizarre?
LOL great point. I think between the pajamas, Stanford being written off as a Shinto monk, and the chugging, it was a LOT to process.
yes but not unenjoyable, it should be said! also... carrie is definitely a dick. right?
I promise I am not trolling! But I have one more point about Carrie being a jerk:
So much has been written about that very thing, but what I always thought in response to that (again, of course, within the context of the original show), is that her jerkiness was very real and, sometimes, even relatable in a kind of "oh my god, I hope I am not like that" way. Everyone can be a selfish jerk with their besties, and Carrie did take it to the extreme on several occasions, but it could feel a bit like the Everywoman's Jerk. It was almost cautionary-tale-esque. The stretch in those situations, for me, was that her friends always seemed to continuously support her despite it, which rang hollow, and also made Charlotte's blow-up about the engagement ring situation feel a bit cathartic. (Still hate her for giving it to Carrie though!)
That said, AJLT Carrie being a jerk with Aidan felt even more jerky after he made that truly Stockholm-Syndrome-like apology about their previous break-up. That break-up was one of the most real on the whole show! They were both jerks, in such nuanced and human ways! It had been so well done and AJLT just basically crapped on the whole thing with these ret-conning of Aidan's feelings. Felt totally unearned. But Carrie should have said, "Well I mean I did cheat on you"... HELLO.
Ugh this show is so frustrating wahhh. Every week I am like WHAT IS THIS COMPLETELY WASTED POTENTIAL??
it's almost like carrie is our 'bad' side, the side that we sometimes almost let show but last minute manage to steer ourselves away from.
yeah exactly! she was awful but there was an authenticity about it!
Does anyone know who designed Miranda’s fabulous coat of many colors ? Looks like it could be Dries, but I don’t remember seeing it on the runway.
Apparently it's Oscar de la renta
Thanks Amy!!!
Interested!!! This coat was the best thing about Season 2. is a great resource for credits... And here is a shortened version on Bergdorf -- an eye-watering $6k!
The full length is $6500:
Yikes! Thank you … dreaming on!!!
Steve's Brooklyn dig - was that supposed to be ironic? - I remember the episode in SATC when they made the decision to start looking at "that side of the paper" for real estate and Steve totally owned Brooklyn, as it is the character's place of birth. I can see how someone from Brooklyn would definitely have a lot to say about the massive gentrification of that burough, but just a little off-handed comment about it being bougie... did not feel lived-in.
Re: Che and Carrie's friendship... I have found that to be a stretch, too, and definitely feels plot-driven rather than character-driven (like 99 percent of this show). Which is a shame because the original series did "random Carrie friendships" really well. For a show where a typical episode lasted 30 minutes, Carrie had tertiary friends/characters slide in and out of the show's periphery really smoothly.
I am starting to wonder if the modern, cinematic, "prestige TV" era treatment AJLT has now is not actually to its detriment; the episodes are longer but the progress is clunkier and more disjointed than anything it ever accomplished in SATCs half-hour epi's.
Ditto: Miranda's coat was an absolute scene chewer.
also tbh i love seema's leopard (cheetah?) print outfits--they suit her, even if they are a tad ridiculous. my favorite seema outfit by far has been that one-shouldered black number she wore to the dinner with aidan after she requested space from carrie.
love your fashion analysis as usual! THE COAT on Miranda was absolutely fabulous; Cynthia Nixon's styling has been top-notch these past few episodes (that purple valentine's day dress!!!).
and THANK YOU for going off on Carrie for never having been to Coney Island. MPK et al are really steadfast in their refusal to acknowledge other boroughs/neighborhoods, beyond the nebulous "brooklyn" where Miranda lives. it's absolutely wild.
lastly, couldn't agree w/ you more on the abortion point--I was hoping LTW would terminate the pregnancy. yet another way this show is disappointing in its current iteration.
Then I would DEFINITELY suggest and OLD NAVY and a divine website at you won't meet yourself coming and going the clothes are beautifully made ethically produced and insanely durable. I'm still wearing a jacket I bought from them in 1990.
And they're GORGEOUS!